People bite their nails, some bite the skin around the nails, some of them yawn and some doze off, someone I know write songs and poems, in boring and killing lectures. But We do different. Faizan, my chum, my best friend forever, now in Pak Army lucky him! and unlucky me! Um, Actually I never tried :P So, he and I used to draw things, names and stuff in boring classes. I should tell here, my real name is Sarang Hussain but registered name is Bahadur Hussain.

Following are the things we used to do, in boring lectures.

Guys can be SO creative n colorful??? :P Never knew..
There are always some exceptions, you see :P
Very very artistic ! I'm impressed :P LOL
you both are very great with drawings and stuff ! Cool ! Interesting indeed
Thanks princess =)
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