I seriously dislike your bloody lame slanguage on facebook, twitter and everywhere! So, stop posting these posts at least when I’m online! Normally Pakistani slanguage users alter the spellings of original word to make it cool. Check these statuses out, “In hoxpetal, givin birth.”, “wax havin fun buh kaat ba kaaps!”,”Yo! In mah room imma breathin, sxup?”, “lawl chk dis link out! Dis ix freakin osomestik Uh!”, And “In waxhrum, doin errr *suppressed*”, “X: eyo? xxup? Y: Err Imma smokin weed!”.

Some days ago, someone told me that my jeans looked “spun”. And I was like (O_O), err sorry? He said, “kwl! yay!” haha I couldn’t hold back my laughter, and thought, kool and cool are now outdated and the term “kwl” is also like “so a month old!” Now they say “spun”. OMG! This CD is wicked spun! Eh? OMG is now OMFG, OMFD, Omgooosh and whatever. Some stupid people call their dogs in wonder like, “O my dog!”
My friend told me that, “Justin Beiber’s songs are gay”. Insert a Major (with capital M) LOL (with capital L) here. I mean what the heck? As far as I know the word “gay” has two meanings, one is “very offensive” and not-to-be-discussed-here and the second one is happy, fresh and bright! But never (with eyes closed or opened) try to say, “I am feeling gay today” because the first meaning is dominant. Thanks to slang! Which is now slanguage. Thanks to slang users.
And then those less-than-3-is-equal-to-a-heart-terms i.e. <3 are also in and are considered normal everywhere! And the other one! “Bleh!” I personally like this, because I guess this term is maybe derived from the word “blaah” which was derived from the phrase, “Blah Blah Blah”, I am not going to tell you what “bleh” means, go google yourself! My cousin updated a status 4 months ago and it was, “Yo! Gabba Gabba”. It horrified me as I opened my explorer in no time to google this thing and later I found that it was a TV show in Australia! Phew! (BACHHAT) LOL! Even our local paindoo boys in Urdu, they say “meko aap boht chi lgti how! *acha bacha*”, “Yaaw haawn naw tum meki gar pe aao tum ki dawat ki huwi hei aawj *budha gujjar*!” and “Yaaw son wo teri fown both hi anni hai yaaw!” Orite dis is enuff naw! g2g ttyl! “O yeah I went there!”. You are pathetically laughable! Haha! I think, I “pwn” you (slanguage-users) now! (ooopsi :P) And by the way if you don’t know what “pwn” is! You are soo outdated! *evil* muahaha!
Haha this is so funny, rofl oh wait rofl is also slang, so tolling on floor laughing. and by the way i dont use slang, see ;p
Twitch! I guess you meant rolling, and thank you so much! it twitched me :P
*carefully using my words,trying to stay away from slangs*
I guess I'll just go with a hahahahhahahahhhahahha... :D
Liked the 'paindoo boys' ki bezti! :P and its SO annoying to see what we've made out of the word gay.. :| The original meaning is lost somewhere..one cant even write happy n gay together.. >_<
Haha you don't worry! you can use slangs! Aap ki bezzti nahi ho gi :P and thanks for deopping by :) it makes me gay! not that gay! I meant the second meaning wala gay :P
lol bezti bezti everywhere! :D
hahahaha glad it made you gay! ;D not that gay! I meant the second meaning wala gay! :p
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