It hit me like a rub-a-dub of any remixed mystic sonata, like some epic myth that has been resurfaced in my head, like a movie that you love the most – and sadly it contains those two little words in the end – the end.
The daze I am facing has been infinitely long and unusually epic that – I should have foreseen. Water not the wrong plant, I hear. But it’s not just enough to abjectly wipe off the teardrops away, far away! Because. They come back –– like the cuckoo’s call echoes in the vales –– again and again, over and over. So, I burn the left-over pieces and fly the ashes in the airs and burry the rest in the backyard and water the grave and adorn the plant inside and see it, hate it, regret it. I try. I try, I pant, I cry, I grasp the pages and screech and tear. I imagine myself running backwards, there – where I’d once started from. Hopeless on the green signal, I know that the heartache will not cease, it will not.

Beacon, we must reach out to, climb up and on and run through the hollow and the craggy dazes, against despairing storms –– pushing backwards, making us –– the buffeted –– lose the race completely –– is the negativity that we must curb.
To whispers and echoes – I must pay heed not.
Putting an end to it… The End.
B.H! Trust me you're too good a writer :) I don't understand why you limit your skills to blogging :-s
*Beacon, we must reach out to, climb up and on and run through the hollow and the craggy dazes, against despairing storms –– pushing backwards, making us –– the buffeted –– lose the race completely*
Ah ! yes the ache never fade , the sting that rises every now and then forcing one to dwell in past , to cry over the ashes of time .... Felt it !
*To whispers and echoes – I must pay heed not.*
Indeed !
Well written ! Love the fluency in thoughts which are well expressed ... Plus the words are awesome ....
Xehra, Whoa! (O.o) okay lol I trust you! =P And errm, this is a personal blog you see, I write here, because, no one reads my diary. =P If you know what I am talking about. And um, Jitna bhi keh lo I would just laugh that off haha. =P
Princess, Hey thank you very much! =)
Take some good damn years to start thinking about it seriously . after all you're so young abhi. teenager right? :E Grrrrr =P
haaha kidding. I repeat. start thinking about writing something more serious, a book that is!
I am eigh'teen' (extra emphasis on 'teen') =P Hahah be jealous! haha jk! *tries to laugh that off but...* And yes, I will start thinking about that also! =| only if you go to the publisher with that thing I'll make! *shudders* hahah And Shukrya you know that meant something really strange in a good way to me. =)
Interesting and thought provoking...neatly composed.
Thank you Emmanuel. =)
well written gud u have desrible it very clearly
Thank you. =)
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