And, they say there is always a string of defeats before every stunning victory, a series of scratches on the knees before one learns to ride his bicycle. It’s a fact, like the fact that it’s raining here at this very moment, like the fact that I am typing. [=P]
I am spending my vacations at home reading, doing stuff and waiting impatiently for the college to reopen.
Giving up isn’t good. Giving up isn’t good. Giving up isn’t good.

There is a little change I am going to make in the strategy and I just hope it works.
Nothing. [=P]
Apart from that, I am seeing people, with two faces and some with three and four, strange species. Raavan type. And when they talk, they sound like plastic shopping bags –– that god awful noise when we fold or unfold plastic shopping bags. Eek! I don’t know I just imagine this, and frankly, they are like chickens to me, I’m not sure why though. Okay that’s verbose. [:P]
Funny it might sound but they act very nicely with you and try to insult you when others are around.
I have hired a black huge man to scare you away from me.
Now I’ve learnt to see your real faces that you hide behind the solid masks. [Yes, I was stupid enough not to see them before] And I plan on to pull the trigger before it gets rougher, tougher than before. I plan on to break up with every one who owns two faces.
Oh yes! I am pointing at you, and I am going to pull this trigger. Thwack! [:D].
It’s funny to see them trying to betray and lie to you when you know everything. Uff kya mushkil mushkil baatain. I was never like that. Besides, how old am I to talk like this? 18? >_<
Hahahahah! Phew. I like the humour in between :D Oh and the huge black man is very, very scary! :o
Nice post. Made me grin! Like this -> :D
=D Thank you so much, and you know this black man I've hired eats A LOT! =| ijoke! xD I am glad it made you grin like that. =D
Well, oh my God! What does he eat? :D I think he is the one who stole my appetite :P Lemme get it back so it won't bother you :D
And I'm glad I read your blog. I was feeling a like a bored monkey :P
He eats anything, but mostly kids! No he doesn't steal xD and Oh my It's ramazan =P and you have no appetite =O =P take mine! xD bored monkey lol.
How can so many Ravans survive with such a Ram? :P I feel bad for them! :D
Look who's saying xD Seeta! =P
Seeing through the masks of people means you're growing up :)
Yeeyyy ... congratulations =p
I would like to meet this black huge man :P and may be have his autograph =P LOL
Nice and simple , again Bravo :)
Nah. Yours is too small :D *Burps* 'Scuse me. Just had dinner :P
At times Seeta :P can be Geeta too! :D
@Phun Thank You so much =) lol and you really want to meet him?! An autograph will cost you his dinner. Extra emphasis on the word 'his' xD Soch lo! and yeah I am growing up =P
@Tazeen =D ooops that's eww! =/ And how do you know that xD I eat air (hawa khata hun)=D sachi main =D
hahahaaa yes I want to meet 'him' only and I'll risk paying for his dinner *wonder what he eats ? anything MAJOR YIKES* =p LOL
frankly speaking I've a hideous image in my mind *huge and black* with scaring away job :P LOL
Soch lia then :P
Ravan , seeta whats next parvati :P LOL hahahaaa
@Shagufta! What does she do. xD eat people? eh=D
@Phun! ehem ehem xD He's Somalian huge man. He eats A LOT of junk food, cats and kids. Okay Lol. I shall tell 'him' about you and we'll see then. xD
Ehmms Q ? =p
Actually I wanted to have his autograph because he's working for you naa thats the toughest =p I wanted to appreciate his patience and courage to be your employee hahahaa :P Bechara =p Kidding
Took a risk to see how much bad and ugly this EMPLOYEE is and my God you've laid your worst on me :P LOL Somalian !!!!!!! =p Koe or nae mila thaa Kiaaa :P LOL
Must appreciate your Imagination though =D
Hahahaha... I was trying to disgust you :P (I don't burp Homer Simpson) :D
You don't look like you eat hawa, Fat Cat! :D (your new nick) :P
@Phun! Owkayyy xD You think I'm that cruel and evil? xD If that's so, You think right then =P But he's not ugly =P And oh my? what imagination? he's real. O.o
@Tazeen! =P I know that =D And I am so not fat not even a little, and not even healthy. I am slim, like veryy slim =P
hahahaa how was that then ;p thank God not ugly but *sobs(faking=p)* what an ugly diet he follows don't you pay him well to get a good food han =p LOL OMG he's real !!!!!!!!
And no he's not real =P hah! xD I was joking! xD phew! =S
Fat Cat :D It's like I tell one of my friends, "I think if I keep calling you fat, you just might gain a bit of weight." :P
I'm sure you're better than the big black man :D
Okay keep calling me that then, I so want to gain weight. Only if you are sure about this magic trick xD And yes I am better than this black man, just like an ant is better than an elephant =P I know bad analogy =P
Hey! Nice blog you got here! I'm kinda familiar with your poetry (Poemhunter and US magazine) and remember you commented on me as a poet on poemhunter (Maryam Mirza)...
Anyhooo... I like your style... I'll be visiting regularly =)
Hey! I welcome you to My Time Capsule, and yes I remember you Maryam =) I used to read your poems on poemhunter, I'm your fan!! xD And Thank you so much for the praise, I'm glad =) really. And, I'll add you in my bloglist, I think. xD Tc =)
Hey again! =P I see I'm on your bloglist, thanks! you are in mine. =)
Heyy. =P that was cute. Girls get emo while ranting like that. U managed to top that with humor. I lurvvvvv it =P :D Even more loving is the fact that this huge black guy eats children :E
Heyy =) Thankyou so much xD
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